SAD - overcoming in June Gloom

Jun 08, 2023

It is called the  winter blues, also known as seasonal depression disorder (SAD), but nowadays, with all the shift in the climate, we often find these symptoms are occurring outside of the normal winter seasons. They can have a significant impact on our well-being. While many people experience seasonal mood changes, SAD is a more severe form of these feelings. As we look at the science behind seasonal depression disorder, we will analyze its impact on stress levels and explore possible coping mechanisms.


Seasonal depression disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs during a specific time of the year, normally, typically in the winter months. In recent years, it has began to show as climate change has shifted our normal weather patterns. Many are experiencing it now during the June gloom in the northern hemisphere. It affects millions of people, with women being more likely to experience it than men. Low levels of natural light during the shorter winter days are the most common culprit, but there may be other contributing factors.


A range of factors can contribute to the development of SAD, including genetics, age, and underlying medical conditions. Research shows that the reduced exposure to sunlight leads to a decrease in vitamin D production, which may cause changes in mood. Other theories suggest that the reduction in daylight hours disrupts the body's internal "clock," leading to depressive symptoms.


The impact of seasonal depression on stress levels can be severe. Increased levels of stress can lead to feelings of hopelessness, fatigue, and irritability. People with seasonal depression disorder may find it difficult to get out of bed and struggle to maintain their usual routines. The effect of stress on the body can also result in physical symptoms, such as headaches and stomach aches.


Several treatment options are available to help manage seasonal depression disorder. Light therapy, medication, and counseling are among the common treatments used to treat SAD. Each person's symptoms will vary, so consulting with a healthcare provider is essential to finding the best approach. Coping mechanisms like exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting outside can also help manage SAD symptoms. However, none of these are addressing the stress itself. An excellent way to manage. SAD symptoms is finding ways to deal with stress. We are strong Advocates for Aware Meditation’s Platinum program. This includes four sessions in person taught over a series of four consecutive days and a lifetime of follow up. This helps keep an individual regularly practicing the meditation the support aspect of this and the results of stress being released out of the body are extremely powerful.


It is essential to recognize the impact of seasonal depression disorder on our stress levels. Although it is a prevalent condition, it is still often misunderstood. If you are experiencing symptoms of seasonal depression disorder, know that help is available. Seeking treatment and finding coping techniques can help you manage this often-debilitating disorder and improve your overall quality of life.


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