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Fundraising and Events


WE HAVE REACHED OVER 90K people!  Yes our online and in person events are close to the 100K - be part of our upswing.

Our new non profit organization began during the spread of COVID19. We are limited in our ability to provide in person teaching and the outreach program for the optimum health of all.

Our inaugural teaching was with Puente Learning Center in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles.

During COVID19 we took the opportunity to provide online wellness events (including YouTube livestreams), Zoom yoga and group meditations. Many can be viewed on the YouTube Channel.

We created an ebook with true stories from individuals that learned the meditation. These are unedited for the reader to experience the authentic voice of the writer. Many are from underrepresented groups.

November 2022 we went global to Sydney and Avoca Beach in Australia and Auckland in New Zealand. Please see our Landing Page for details.

We are part of the WET program in El Dorado County in northern California bringing meditation to all at no charge.

Our Rise Up Comedy has partnered with Hope of the Valley Mission in Los Angeles and Cri-Help rehabilitation centre in North Hollywood.

 Below are image links of our past and current fundraisers. Please visit our Donate page to support us financially.

Global Outreach Initiative

Our outreach programs are designed to reach low income and marginalized people in the wellness community. We aim to teach within their communities at no financial cost to them. These groups include but are not limited to; BIPoC, LGBTQ+, those in and transitioning from incarceration to civilian life, 12 step participants, individuals with physical and mental disabilities, the elderly, victims of abuse and veterans.

Impact Stories

Below are Impact Stories with true experiences from underrepresented groups who  learned the meditation.  More can be found on our YouTube Channel.  


Aware Meditation Stress Reduction Marathon Livestream

Hosted on Saturday November 7th, 2020 by Aware Meditation Inc. Non Profit with 12 speakers/workshops of stress reduction modalities including Vedic Meditation - Paula Jane Newman founder of Aware Meditation Inc. and Channing Press  founder of Piece of Peace Meditation.   Click the image below to watch a playback of the event.

Cosmic Comedy Show

The inaugural International Cosmic Comedy Show in August 2020 with talents from New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States performing. Presented during COVID19, here jokes from calling meditation your afternoon nap by your mother to Ozzie Ossboune's bat virus immunity and Costco being the perfect getaway for the Zombie Apocalypse. Click for the promo.

Outreach Video Trailer

Coming soon

Video Poster Image

Heart Centered Wellness Marathon Livestream

Vedic Variety Holiday Show

Vedic Meditation Stories

"I learned this meditation only a couple of weeks ago and I have already seen results far from those I ever imagined. Emotions have come up and moved out faster than I’ve ever experienced. People have commented to me that my energy is lighter and different and that my eyes are clearer. "
- Courtney R.