Sherman Oaks Meditation Instructor - COVID19, Meditation, and your Mindset

Apr 26, 2021

We have a phrase in English, “Mind over matter”. Many in traditional and in alternative health practitioners believe that challenges in the physical can be overcome by the mind thinking positive. Books have been written documenting individual’s healing of illnesses with a simple change in mindset. The recent COVID19 pandemic has put this even more at the forefront. 

Many who didn’t believe the virus was real have buried loved ones. Others believed they would be immune or have little response to COVID19 with a, “free of fear”, attitude, claiming when faced with a positive test, keeping a virus friendly mentality would allow for a safe and simple common cold experience. Some it was true, others faced a hard breaking experience. Now with the vaccines being administered globally the debate of take it or die and the anti vaccine mentality brings the mindset conundrum to an elevated level. 

Last week I was informed a relative of mine...

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Sacramento Vedic Meditation On The Rise!

Nov 24, 2020

Vedic Meditation Sacramento and Vedic Meditation Grass Valley is sprouting up! 

“It’s been 2 weeks since I learned to meditate and I have already experienced better sleep, less dependency on caffeine and just overall increase in energy and productivity in my day,” says Laura Delgado, a single mother of two in Sacramento, California.

“I recommend this to anyone and everyone who wants to go about and be a (happy) functioning person.“ This simple and non-religious practice teaches people a technique in a course setting, empowering the participants to be self sufficient. “Since participating in Paula’s 4-day Vedic Meditation course…I have discovered that my life is not nearly as chaotic as I previously believed. I am eternally grateful,” admitted Jay Bird Malone, an artist in Davis. He even took the train down to San Francisco when Paula was teaching the Vedic Meditation San Francisco class! It appears these dedicated...

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Aware Meditation FEATURED in VivaGlam Magazine

Oct 05, 2020

Read the article that was featured in VivaGlam Magazine!

5 Simple Ways to Reboot Your Meditation Practice

By Paula Newman,
Vedic Meditation Teacher, Celebrity Meditation Teacher and Founder of Aware Meditation

Edited by Brianne Nemiroff

Learning to meditate can be trying for many but those that maintain a regular practice may face an even tougher challenge – the Plateau. Whether you learned online, downloaded an app, or sought detailed instruction from a teacher, we have all faced difficulties. As a meditation teacher I have witnessed, experienced and found common solutions to this phenomena regardless of level or practice.

  If you are facing hesitation or resistance to your meditation practice, getting to the chair may become an outright struggle.  You may also find yourself cloaked in thoughts; “I am too tired to meditate,” “I’ll just take a nap”, “I don’t have time”, “I think I will...

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